Monday, March 8, 2010

Mondays = Game Time

Mondays are universally hated. The way I figure, we should do everything we can to lighten it up a little. So with that in mind, I present the first Game Time Monday.

Who Would You Rather Meet in a Dark Alley?

RULES: For those who don't know how to play I shall explain. Three options are presented and you must choose which one, if you had to, you would rather meet in a dark alley (i.e. which is the least scariest). You must give a small explanation as to why you chose said option.

I used to play this game with (harass) my sister all the time. I would draw a page full of characters and make her pick. Course it's a lot easier with pen to draw then say with my laptop. Please forgive the crude quality of the pictures.

So who would you rather meet?



And remember, there are no wrong answers, just funny explanations.


  1. Clearly I would rather meet the first one, "Light-Bulb Guy" because, duh, it's a dark alley. The other two, "Rat-Face Gun Boy" and "Zombie Bear" would both look the same in the dark. And I worry that I might shoot them both, out of fear, before I find out that Gun Boy just wanted directions to the bank, and Zombie Bear was just sleep walking. So, yeah, definitely Light-Bulb Guy.

  2. I'll take the Bear . If all else fails, I can smother him while pretending to cuddle up ;) A light bulb and where's the dark alley ? As for the gun trotter I am a non violent person, guns scare the daylights of me

  3. I would take the light bulb guy. He would light up the alley for me and if he got too violent on me I could toss a rock and put his lights out. Ouch, bad pun.

  4. No contest here, the light bulb dude.

  5. Light bulb! I think he's pretty weak right now. probably still grieving the loss of his friend "stick man john."

  6. You've got to choose Light Bulb Man....

    Gun Man is holding a gun.... That seems like the worst dream about a penis ever....

    A bear with flippers looks innocent enough, but I'm assuming he's concealing his razor sharp teeth....

    I Think It's Interesting

  7. First of all any bear you meet in an alley will either be a pedo-bear or a judgement bear and I require the gentle touch of either.

    Crazy lightbulb guy - nice trick. He would only further illuminate the sins that brought me to the alley in the first place.

    So I go with blind mouse with gun. Since the gun in mouse size he could shoot away at me all day while bumping into garbage cans and boxes until I remove the kitten from my utility belt to deal with him for good.

    I win again.

  8. Umm best game ever!

    And light bulb hands down. Not only does he look happy but he is useful in a dark alley.

  9. I'll take the dog with the gun. The gun looks fake. The light bulb can electrocute me and bears can haul ass. That's my reasoning.

  10. I gotta go with the light bulb too. He looks rather easy to turn on. A woman needs that experience every now and again (to salvage her ego). Plus, I'd like to leave the gun wielding dog in hiding. This way, he can fire at that wimpy looking bear and put him out of his misery. I'm altruistic that way.


  11. Ok, I think it's a gun man holding a gun.... Others see a mouse or a dog.... What is it TS?

  12. I 'd take the ally bulb guy!He's just happy and useful:)

  13. Light bulb dude for sure. I think he wants to give me a hug. Come here buddy!

  14. I am afraid of the dark so I'd want the light bulb guy to hook me up!

    Tales Of A Fourth Grade Nothing

  15. Fantastic and creative answers everyone! I had a lot of fun reading your choices.

    Asblack, yes it is a gun holding a gun. It's a little difficult to draw a gun on a laptop. At any rate half the fun is finding out what people see in the pictures.

  16. A gun holding a gun? I thought it was a f'n dog! LMAO!!!! Now I totally see it's a gun. I need to stop sniffing that Ajax!

  17. Oh crap! I'm so friggin lame when it comes to that stuff.
    I NEVER see the image in one of those 3-D posters and I've NEVER seen the Virgin Mary in anything at all...


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