Saturday, March 10, 2012

Why Daylight Savings Time Sucks: A Review

Go on, admit it to yourselves. This whole Daylight Savings thing we have to go through twice a year really sucks. The way it works out is that once a year you can expect to be tired because you just lost an hour. I don't want to sound like a sloth but I need my thirteen hours of sleep each night or else I don't feel quite myself. 

Course I do enjoy the other side of Daylight Savings Time. When you get that hour back it's like time that you've put away in the bank and can now withdraw. Sorry, the Savings part always begs for banking analogies in my humble opinion. Not that I'm humble mind you, just my opinion is. I like being able to sleep in, or rather, stay up an extra hour partying like there's no tomorrow (See: Watching a movie from an arm chair; smoking jacket adorned, with one leg draped over the other, a scowl on my face, and a glass of scotch in my hand*).

As it truly is the best bit of this fiasco, I suggest that we keep that part and ditch the other. That way we'll always be gaining an hour, never losing one. It'll also do away with the confusion once and for all as to whether or not one should set their clocks forward or back. Is it spring forward and fall back, or is it spring back, attack in the fall? Whichever, the madness would be over. 

Though for the record, it's spring forward. And that's Sunday at 2 am, so remember to set your clocks accordingly. Now that I've given you fair warning, go back a post and vote for what dinosaur you want to see advance to the next round. You're welcome.

*Remember kids, it's for the look, I don't drink it.


  1. It sucks. But if we didn't, it would get light at four in the morning. That would suck as well.

  2. I for one love DLST! And I am glad they extended by starting earlier in the spring and ending later in the fall. Those Commies in Arizona who are not on it have the worst reasoning in the world..."It's so hot here we don't need an extra hour of daylight." It's the same 24-hours people, get a grip!!

  3. Not to mention that no daylight is actually saved at one end nor lost at the other - - -

    I HATE the whole thing.

  4. I may have to steal that I'm not humble, just my opinion is line ...

    I was up late last night, doing dishes, and I looked at the clock. "3 AM!?! I've been doing dishes for more than an HOUR!??!" Thankfully I was only an idiot for a brief period ... but for that period I was worried at how fast time flew while doing dishes.

  5. I'm already looking forward to the switch back to Standard Time. I really don't like it to be light outside late at night.

  6. I like having an extra hour of daylight in the summer and I used to like that hour back around Halloween so that we could stay an extra hour at the club(bar or party). But now they have changed the dates for the fall back part and it totally ruins it. So I guess I'm with you....daylight saving sucks!

  7. Yeah, it is crazy. I was thinking the other day what time it would REALLY be if we thought it was fall back and spring back. My head hurts now...

  8. I wish they would just stick with Daylight Saving and not change it back to Daylight Losing.

  9. Move to Arizona. No Daylight Savings Time here. We laugh at the rest of the country when you change times.

  10. One day, when the sun super novas, you'll wish you saved up some daylight.

  11. It should be DST ALL year long. I'm in Arizona at this moment and they seem to do just fine not adjusting their clocks. I used to HATE getting off of work at a normal time, only to discover that it was already dark out.
    Are you also wearing a monocle and sporting an ivory cigarette holder?


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